Significance of Collective Consciousness
Significance of Collective Consciousness
There are many instances, verses and quotes from our oriental (Vedic) scriptures that highlight the importance of the existence of collective consciousness fields. The Rigveda prayer of harmony(Sangacchadhvam (Isha Basya) from the Rig Veda. X. 191), the concept of world as one family(Vasudaiva kutumbhakam) and the cultivation of mutual understanding of the teacher and the pupil indicates that agreement of group minds, shared ideas, common purpose and goal has the power of manifestation of the intended thoughts to reality which is the base of collective consciousness fields.
On similar lines many of the Contemporary Scientific studies have agreed that there is a possibility when a collective action is induced to a crowd there is a possibility of one losing the individual consciousness and is led by the crowd consciousness. Hence it is important to choose the right nature of activity, a though process which compels the individual consciousness to be overruled by the collective action and to be guided by the same.
Scientific studies related to consciousness is attempting rigorously to tap the potential of this collective mind to influence the physical systems and reality. Though there are different approaches to study the consciousness phenomena, here we would like to look at the tremendous effort the Global consciousness project has been doing since decades.
Leading Sociologists Émile Durkheim having coined this term “collective consciousness” indicates it being the source of solidarity of the individuals bound into collective units like groups and societies.
The whole idea behind writing this article is to make us re-realise the importance and power of what a collective intention and collective prayer is possible to do.
During the current crisis of the prevailing COVID-19 pandemics, . I would rather say that it is the time that we need to mainatin a physical distance not a social distance and be socially responsible and spiritually connected through the thoughts of collective intentions and prayers which has the ability to change the physical forces.
Regarding the RNG/REG (Random Number generator/Random event generator) experiments True Random devices are used to study the Effect of Consciousness, there have been several studies exploring interactions between mind, awareness and group consciousness with the behavior of external physical systems. Most of these studies have reported, although with considerable variability, an ability of the mind to collapse the randomness of the physical system.
These studies, on one hand, have explored the effect of the intention of a human operator to modulate the tendency of random events, (Jahn, Dunne, Nelson, Dobyns & Bradish, 1997; Radin, 2003) while also looking into the effects of synchronized attention of a group in changing the randomness of events (Nelson, 1997) and have broadly concluded on the existence of psychokinetic potential of the human consciousness This consciousness correlated collapse is said to be due to biophysical factors influencing the output of the random physical systems like random event generator (REG) and resulting in an
anomalous process when there are pre-stated conscious intentions of a human operator (Caswell,
Dotta, & Persinger, 2013).
Through these studies it is understood that intense emotional responses elicited due to the nature of any given activity/event has the possibility of creating a certain coherence in the global consciousness fields that which influences the output of the RNG at its each nodal point.
This was tested in many such global events like the 9/11 terroist attacks, DIanas funeral, the scientific reports of such global events can be studied in the “foundation of Physics”.
Studies on Collective prayer and meditation
SVYASA REG Research studies have also claimed that spiritual activity such as Gayatri mantra chanting, Om chanting, Vedic chantings and in performance of sacred fire rituals like Somayajna (both Apotharyama and Agnistoma Somayajna) and group activity with yogic techniques like suryanamskar practices and Deep relaxation tecniques have shown to significantly influence the random systems , thereby claiming any group synchronized and focused directed action can bring about a significant anamalous change in the physical world.
Studies of GCP studies was done during the most auspicious day of four
Kumbh Mela events in India, most recently Jan 15 2019. All the four have a
positive trend, and the composite is significant at nearly 3 sigma, p ~0.001 which gives an example of replication power.
As suggested by our PM Modi, to synchronously clap hands or to make sounds to express the gratitude towards the Medical fraternity on March 22nd at 5 pm for a duration of 5 min and the prayer leaded by the Pope on Friday 27 March for the people suffering from corona virus was studied by GCP, which has shown a positive departure from the random expectation.
All these studies gives us the importance of a collective intention, a collective prayer as the need of the hour to face the COVID 19 pandemics. These studies also gives us a hope that if there is strong collective arousal induced in the manner of prayer , fighting the virus may not be a difficult thing and manifesting an anamalous ordely harmonious structure is possible.
Hence as the need of the hour, if all the minds of the global world can come together to the call that our Great Yoga and Spiritual leaders giving for starting prayerethon for “ Fooling the Corona Virus” from this April 1st onwards where a 5min intense prayers twice a day at 8 am and 6 pm local times everywhere for healing the mother Earth and the Mankind from this pandemic can be offered.
The interconnected awareness of a group mind sharing same ideologies and aspirations represents the Collective Consciousness fields. The fields in its resonant nature has the potential to influence and manage matter. Prayer and Meditation are considered to be such resonant collective intention fields that promotes and restores healing.
There is a plethora of evidence stating the healing benefits of Prayer and Meditation in clinical studies. Similarly the Random number generator (RNG) studies from Global consciousness project (GCP) has also led to the information that larger the participation from the people performing meditation and prayers have resulted in a significant anomalous changes and non-randomness behavior in the RNG`s.
Based on the available evidence it is suggested that during the global threats like the outbreak of Corona virus, the group minds of the world can synchronize with a common intent, focus and pray to mitigate the effects of corona pandemic.
Consciousness is the immediate subjective awareness of the world and ourselves(J, 1994). Oriental studies describe it as the eternal cyclic of creation-sustenance–merge triplet(Miśra, 1998).
The Western concept of Consciousness is revealed as the order of the function, with pattern (structure), precision (quality), regularity (timing) in the physical Universe and as Cognition, experience and discrimination in the living Beings(Srinivasan, 2019).
From the quantum mechanics approach, consciousness is the relationship between two events and appears as a probability field that exists in brain and everywhere. The subjective experiences and behavior interfere with each other just as physical quanta in the classical double slit experiment. The electro dynamic field effects of the human quanta is transcendental to time space dimension resulting in a Psychokinesis and Poltergeist phenomenon(Vyas & Vyas, 2004). Ken Wilber with his four quadrant consciousness affairs explains that consciousness extends beyond the physical organism and is discovered in the extended field that permeates and sustains culture and society(Elgin, 2009).
The awareness, attention, memory of every individual consciousness is socially constructed. Identification with anyone and anything is achieved through group interaction. The Ancient wisdoms states that when the obstacles of mind, intellect and ego of an individual consciousness is overruled it merges with the universal consciousness(Deshpande, Aroskar, Bhavsar, & Kulkarni, 2014).,
Prayers & Meditations as Collective Intention
Intention is known as Resolve / a determination to act in a certain way(Merriam-Webster).The experiential accounts through the history and across culture has provided anecdotal evidences that focused thoughts of the Mind influences and manages matter (Dale, 2009; Lim, 2019). Institute of Noetic Sciences defines intention as “the projection of awareness, with purpose and efficacy, toward some object or outcome”. Intentions have a cause and an effect that is related to resonant frequency(McTaggart Lynne, 2007).
Prayers are gaining acceptance by healthcare providers it is seen as an alternative method for healing. The recovery of illness is largely associated with Intercessory prayer(Benson et al., 2006; Brown, C., Williams, & McClymond, 2010; Harris, Gowda, Kolb, & Al, 1999).
Prayer in the form of meditation is a healing intention. Mindfulness based meditation (MBSR) practices has led to reduced trait anxiety (p<.01), greater left-sided anterior temporal activation (p<.05), that is adaptaive in responding to negative/stressful events and greater rise in antibody titers(p<.05) significantly affects the brain and immune functions(Davidson et al., 2003),
Spiritual integrated meditative practices enhances the quality of life with increased pain tolerance, reduced depression and anxiety (Wachholtz & Pargament, 2005). Long term meditation practices leads to decreased sympathetic arousals, facilitates protection from the negative effects of ROS due to decreased UPE(Ulta-weak Photon emissions) and demonstrates a high degree of neuronal auto coherence in human beings (Wijk, Lüdtke, & Wijk, 2008). Human biofields in long term meditation practitioners are connected to both consciousness and physiological states of the body(VanWijk, Koch, & Wijk, 2006).Meditation reduces distractive and ruminative thoughts and behaviours and along with Somatic Relaxation techniques helps in relieving distress and increases positive mood states (Jain et al., 2007).
Meditations when performed in group is closely connected to Collective Intentions. Causing higher states of elevations emit harmonic sounds of approximately 7 Hz through the electrostatic field of the planet, and that “the more bodies are locked in, the stronger the signal becomes” as stated by Bentov (Itzhak, 1988).
Larger number of people`s participation in a Meditation program has induced Coherent energy in the field with the meditators alpha brain wave functioning at a profound level as measured by the EEG and more positivity in the social and natural environment was reported with reduced crime rates. The study also reported with unified good intentions and with synchronized/coherent alpha brain waves, it causes others to receive the same properties in their subconscious mind (Nelson, 2002)(Dillbeck & Cavanaugh, 2016). Meditative practices associated with chanting leads to a resonant effect with constructive interference patterns that exhibits therapeutic benefits and also results in the entrainment of breath, heartbeat, and brain waves(Pereira, 2016).The strength and the nature of a tumultuous applause that which is a delightful expression of social organization can transform itself into waves of synchronized clapping(Néda, Ravasz, & Brechet, 2000).
Field Random Event/Number Generator (REG/RNG)
Random Number Generator (RNG) studies the idea to test the unusually high collective coherence experienced by the mind due to the high coherence exhibited by the matter. Experiments with Random Number generator relate this as the sensors for measuring the degree of coherence of the consciousness field. An integral part of the quantum mechanics, it demonstrates the lack of predictability and order(Brian, 2003). But when a group of particles are considered as a whole and is vast in its size, the randomness reduces and eventually vanishes. Correspondence principle says that in systems incorporating millions of particles, averaging takes over and the statistical probability of random behavior approaches zero. Quantum mechanics then approaches classical Mechanics(Rosenfled & Nielsen, 1976)
In the Field Consciousness experiments, mind and matter becomes a complementary aspect of a more fundamental holistic reality. In this type of studies mind is subjective and matter an objective which symbolizes heads and tails of a coin. Tossed dice and RNG experiments claim through their replicated evidence that mental intention is associated with the behavior of the physical systems”(Radin, 2010; Radin & Roger, 2000).
Fundamental resonance or bond between the operator and machine, or between the remote perception the participants facilitate a shared state of knowledge extending over both space and time and that appears to produce anomalous effects when forced into a causal paradigm (Jahn & Dunne, 1986; Jahn, Dunne, & Nelson, 1987; Robert G. Jahn, 1987) The Change of the randomness to non-randomness indicates more order and the system behaves nonrandom when there is an increasing order in the environment. The synchronized attention of the group in an event have shown the possibility of human minds influencing the randomness of the event and the ability to create order or coherence in reality (Jahn, Dunne, & Nelson, 1987).
Global Consciousness Project (GCP)
Roger Nelson, an experimental psychologist and founder of GCP came up with the concept of Group mind which he relates to “noosphere”, morphic field”, an “information field”. Hence with a formal protocol in 1998 GCP, started to objectively measure the interconnected consciousness through scientific means. Data here is continuously collected from a global network of physical random number generators located in 65 host sites around the world. An EGG (ElectroGaiaGraph) studies a REG’s ability (or inability) to generate random data and calculates the range of deviation from randomness when millions of people share intentions and emotions. The GCP model of mind as stated by Nelson is the source or seat of a nonlocal, active information field which when interacts in phase creates a newly highly structured information field(Nelson, n.d.).
Through the major global events such as Princess Diana`s funeral, the 9/11 Terrorist attack, Spiritual events like Kumbha mela in India, the GCP network has demonstrated the existence of coherent and non-local nature of Collective/Group consciousness fields. Their website gives full details regarding their projects(“Global Consciousness Project website,”).
RNG studies on Healings, Meditations and Prayers
A metaanalysis on Mindmatter Interaction (MMI) study with 515 experiments in 216 publications by 91 authors led to proving that there is a plausibility of distant intentional healing with highly significant and repeatable mind-matter interaction effect with z score distribution bounded by the ranges –1.96 < z < 1.65 (Fig .1) (Radin & Nelson, 2003).
Figure 1: Distribution of observed and chance-expected RNG experiments(Radin & Nelson, 2003).
The graph shows the actual distribution of 515 z scores. The anomalous spike of observed studies at z = 0 is due to the fact that some studies reported only as “nonsignificant” were conservatively assigned z = 0 in the meta-analysis
Gaia meditation held synchronously around the globe in the year 1997 January prior to GCP with 14 RNG`s has revealed significant (p=.047) deviations from (Nelson, 1997). Global peace and harmony meditations studied by GCP has shown a significantly positive trend with 17 global harmony events (group meditations, mass prayer, active engagements of peace) producing an overall cumulative result (p = .0035) and an extended data set of 120 events (Fig.2) with significant cumulative result (p=.000167) in encouraging and bringing people together from different countries for the establishment of world peace, social interconnection, global harmony and also help to facilitate the formation of a shared global consciousness(Williams, 2014).
Figure 2
Cumulative chronological summation of the z‐scores associated with the 120 events in the current GCP “global harmony” dataset. Thresholds for significance at .05, .01, & .001 are indicated by the curved dotted arcs.(Williams, 2014).
Group meditation (Transcendental meditation and Yogic flying) practices performed by 261 females and 398 males in a meditation hall for 94 hours and 33,927 trials, each trial consisting of 1,000 random bits collected in 10-second periods were tested for inducing anomalous deviations using truly random number generators. Significant non randomness was observed for the meditation practice (p < 0.00001) and Yogic flying techniques (p < 0.000001)(Mason Lynne, Robert, & Radin, 2007).
Significant non random with increased variance was observed for effects of the violent effects of 9/11 in USA (Radin, 2001, 2002). In the year 2001 for all 250 days, between all possible pairs of RNG outputs on a per-day basis was correlated. Fig 3 shows the largest daily average correlation took place on September 11, the infamous terrorist attack with RNG correlation significantly positive (p 0.001).(Radin, 2002)
Through this study it was proven that MMI effects observed only in laboratory setups is also detectable outside potentially at a global scale.
Fig 3: Smoothed z-scores across 36 RNGs running from 8:00 PM September 10, 2001, to 8:00 PM September 11, 2001. No other day in the year 2001 showed as large a drop in z scores as observed on this day. The x-axis is in hours, Eastern Daylight Time.
Transcedental Meditations was performed in response to the 9/11 attack, for a duration of 5 day period (9/23/01 to 9/27/01 ) as observed from 37 RNGs placed in different parts of the world has reported an exploratory significant result of p=0.0012 due to the presence of peak number of almost 1800 meditators (Nelson, 2002). A global meditation prayer called “Breakthrough Celebration: Compassion to Action” was conducted on May 15th to May29th 2007 with over 50 countries participation in local and non-local using agreed upon time synchronizations. 2780000 people registered with the design structure that the participants perform their own meditation, prayer or ceremonial practice, at their own specified time(s) and place, but share a common intention for peace. The Stouffer Z measure applied to the 3 time periods for a total of 9 hours data has resulted with the chisquare is 31892 on 32400 df, which corresponds to a one-tail p-value of 0.978 and Z-score -2.005.
Sacred fire rituals (Yajnas, Homas), Sacred chantings (Om & Gaytri mantras) and devotional music sessions (bhajans) were performed as a Prayer healing intentions under the guidance of Yoga- Spiritual Division SVYASA University. These spiritual practices involves a process of (i) Adoration (ii) Meditation (iii) Prayer that exhibits a distinct possibility of enhancement of the power of psycho-kinesis through Emotions Culturing Sessions (ECS) as observe in RNG experiments involving Psyleron REG1.
A study comparing to random thinking versus chanting Gayatri mantras was conducted that resulted in Gaytri mantra chants significantly (p<0.05) influenced the REG for a non randomness pattern(Racca, Nagendra, & Manjunath, 2004), Similarly Vedic chantings performed during the sacred fire rituals (Apthoryama (12 days) (Fig 4) and Agnistoma Somayajna(5 days)) as been significantly observed for an anamalous deviations for different times of each day of the ritual performance with Z scores ±<1.96.
Fig 4: Changes in the mean values of REG of Apthoryama Yajna shows maximum influenced at 12:00 to 02:00 PM. and minimum influenced at 10:00 to 12:00 N. (Thakur, Nagendra, & Nagarathna, 2012)
During the period of oblations /ahuti to the firepit, Intentions intiative ritual (sankalpa/resolve), total surrenderance/concluding rituals (purnaahuti) in different sacred fire rituals(Yajna kunda/homa kunda (Fig.5)) performed in a temple premises of SVYASAUniversity campus has resulted in significant deviations as measured by the Psyleron REG1 to produce greater ordered changes than chance excursions These different sacred fire rituals when performed promotes and restores Eco balance(Sharma, Sengupta, & Sunar, 2011; Sushrutha, Madappa, & Nagendra, 2014) formation of Rain(Kale, Vaidya, & Sharma, 2010; Vaidya, Kale, & Kale, 2010) and the herbs mixtures added in the firepit when in combustion with ghee and other ingredients affects the ontological status of a person(Dobberstein, 1995; Spess, 2000; Sushrutha et al., 2014).
Fig 5 : Different Homas (sacred fire rituals) and its involved procedures in influencing REG
Similar such a ritual called Burning Festival was observed for its collective attention towards the event demonstrated a significant deviation from randomness during the period of highest collective intensity, i.e., during the burning of the man.( GCP Project 1999 – 2006).
Summary and Conclusion
The efficacy of collective action like meditations and prayers promotes a collective consciousness fields. Group events aimed with synchronous action leads to interconnected nature that can be benefitted with better cognition, cooperation and coordination abilities , which is a basic requisite of a good team. Shared intentionality, homogeneity increases coherence in the group mind that can lower the entropy levels bringing an order, a harmonious structure in the unified fields.
Based on the above reviewed studies, global synchronized prayers(Fig 6), a project of GCP
( an initiative by Indian Yoga Association (IYA) involving a four step procedure of resolve/intention with yogic techniques & prayer for mitigating the effects of the Coronavirus-2019 (COVID 19) pandemics can be taken up by the group minds of the world.
Fig : 6 Protocol of Synchronised Global Prayers to combat the COVID- 19
The available evidence should prompt and give a motivation for the synchronised global prayers for those infected with COVID 19.This collective action such as Yogic breathing, meditation and prayer can create group coherent collective consciousness fields that can be helpful in reducing the stressful condition that is prevailing now and also help in spreading postivity for the arousal of strong emotions in form of fear, anxiety, frustration, depression in people who are health care providers, who are quarantined, affected and for those in lockdown situations.
I sincerely thank Indian Yoga Association (IYA) President and Chancellor Dr. HR Nagendra SVYASA Yoga University and Global consciousness project for taking this initiative of a collective action to support and pray for a global cause.
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