Yogriṣhi Swami Ramdev ji was born to Smt. Gulab Devi and Shri Ram Niwas in a village of Haryana. He had his early education in a village school. At the age of 14 he was admitted to the Gurukul at Kalwa (near Jind, Haryana) where under the blessed tutelage of Ācārya Shri Baldevji he studied Sanskrit and Yoga, and earned a postgraduate (Ācārya) degree with specialization in Sanskrit Vyākaraṇa, Yoga, Darśana, Vedas and Upaniṣads, later he was very much inspired by the life and writings of Maharṣi Dayanand and he thoroughly studied Satyārtha Prakāśa, Ṛgvedādibhāṣyabhūmikā etc. Along-side the magnetism of Maharṣi. Patañjali as an exponent of Yoga, Sanskrit Grammar and Āyurveda continued to exert its influence on him.
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