- Having more than 36 years of teaching experience in schools, colleges and universities (Physical Education & Yoga)
- Having more than 30 years of experience in Colleges and Universities (Physical Education & Yoga)
- Having more than 13 years of experience in Professor grade in Universities alone (Physical Education & Yoga)
- Having more than 30 years of administrative experiences alone (Physical Education & Yoga)
- Having more than 15 years of experience in Research alone and Senior Social Scientist, approved by ICSSR, New Delhi
- Served as the member of VC’s convener committee, Registrar (i/c), Finance Officer (i/c), Controller of Examinations (i/c), Director (i/c) of Distance Education and Member Syndicate twice, Finance Committee (twice), Senate, Governing Board, Steering Committee Co-ordinator of NAAC, TNPESU, Principal, SSPE
- First Yoga Professor appointed officially in the History of Tamil Nadu Government Universities
- First Yoga Professor appointed (MAHER, Chennai) in the History of Deemed Universities of Tamil Nadu
- Question Setter for NET exam (UGC) in Yoga, Delhi and Member, Reviewing committee on text books, SCERT Chennai
- Acted as a Member of Jury in the National Yoga Olympiad (four times) organized by NCERT and AYUSH, New Delhi
- UGC Expert Committee Member, visited and inspected Lakulish Yoga University, Chharodi, Ahmadabad, Gujarat (twice)
- Member of The Assessment of Yoga Certification Board, Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi
- Instrumental in the formation of exclusive Yoga Colleges in Tamil Nadu and Yoga courses in affiliated colleges
- Instrumental in starting M.Phil and Ph.D programmes exclusively in Yoga first time in Tamil Nadu
- Instrumental in introducing a number of innovative Yoga courses in Tamil Nadu Universities through Distance Mode
- Instrumental for signing ‘Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)’ with various Yoga Institutions for TNPESU
- Invited Life member of Indian Yoga Association, New Delhi and Secretary of IYA Tamil Nadu State Chapter
- Advisory Committee Member of Dean Dayal Upadhyay Centre for KAUSHAL, nominated by UGC at Svyasa
- Chairman and Member – Board of studies, Member – Academic Councils, and Degree Awards Committee at various
universities and colleges (Physical Education & Yoga). Staff Selection Committee Member at MDNIY, Delhi - Produced 40 PhD’s and guided more than 130 M.Phil awardees & 290 PG holders
- Visited China (twice) and Hong Kong for academic purposes
- Advisor and Former Vice- President of NAPESS, India, apex body of NAAC and Observer for NEET, NTA -New Delhi
- Acted as Inspection Visiting team member, National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), New Delhi
- Authored six books and more than 30 lesson materials for School of Distance Education- Yoga courses
- Published more than 300 articles in magazines (192) and scientific journals (111) including co-authorship
- Presented more than 225 papers in a number of National & International conferences including co- authorship (PhyEdn & Yoga)
- Organized more than 30 International and National Conferences/ seminars/ symposiums/ Workshops
- Done more than 45 programmes in All India Radio and Television channels
- Instrumental in reviving M.P.Ed establishing Research centre and first Ph.D approved guide in Phy Edn at MKU
- Donated Rs.1 lakh for endowment award for M.Sc Rank Holder in my name, helped Ph.D scholars for getting fellowships.
- Instrumental for many infrastructural developments and acted as Ph.D level Examinership many times
- Guided the first Ph.D holder (S.Lakshmi Kandhan) and M.Phil holder (B.Rajasekar) exclusively in Yoga in Tamil Nadu
- Guided also the first Ph.D holder at Karpagam University and Bharathiyar University in Yoga
- Given more than 100 times Guest speeches, Special addresses, Invited lectures as resource person and chairperson etc.,
- Honored with “Best Teacher Award” (twice), “Life Time Achievement Award” (twice), “Uttarkalvi Jeeva Jothi”,
“Payanezhuthu Padaipali (twice)” awards and won many International awards in Lions club International.
Dr.R.Elangovan M.Sc (Yoga)., M.A(Psy).,M.A(His).,M.Ed., M.P.Ed., M.Phil.,Ph.D., DSYM., NSNIS(cert).,
Professor & Head, Faculty of Yoga Sciences & Therapy, Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education and Research(Deemed to be University), Chennai – 78,